Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
hyperabic oxygen therapy (hbo)
Wounds need oxygen to heal properly. This treatment involves exposing the body to 100% oxygen at a pressure that is greater than atmospheric pressure. Exposing a wound to 100% oxygen can speed up the healing process.
How it works
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can be done in several ways. One way we offer is the hyperbaric oxygen chamber. In this setting, you are completely immersed in a 100% oxygen environment delivered at high pressure.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is used for certain types of wounds. These include diabetic related wounds, radiation injuries, infections, burns, certain skin grafts and flaps, crush injuries, and vascular insufficiency ulcers. Providing the wound with oxygen nourishes it so the body can create the energy needed to produce a defense against bacteria, synthesis collagen, and regenerate cells.

“We improve our patients’ quality of life with advanced treatment techniques and strategies.”