Compression therapy
compression therapy
Compression therapy is utilized if a patient has lymphedema or poor circulation causing swollen lower extremities. Lymphedema is the swelling of the arms and/or legs caused by blockage in the lymphatic system. Swollen extremities can expand the skin causing breakage, creating open ulcers. Pressure-exerting socks or special removable bandages are used to create controlled pressure to the area. Compression therapy encourages better blood flow to help promote healing of ulcers and other non-healing wounds.
compression therapy
Compression therapy supports the veins and increases blood flow by preventing blood from pooling in the legs. This increases circulation and reduces swelling in the legs. The strongest support is located at the ankles and gradually decreases towards the top. By adding pressure to areas with restricted flow, the veins can loosen, which reduces venous pressure and helps the blood move towards the heart.

“WCIT is a wound care center, that treats patients of all ages, incomes, physical abilities, races, and ethnicities.”